Security Notions
I encourage you to do the following thought exercise before reading forward: put the book away, lie down on a comfy sofa or go for a short walk, and try to think how would you define what makes a block chain secure. Try to challenge yourself, play devil's advocate, search for what makes a definition bad and how it can go wrong. Then come here and read my takes on the matter after making an attempt on your own.
Before we dive into the various security notions one can define for a block chain, it might be instructive for the non-cryptographer to take a step back to ponder what a security notion even is.
Many people "know" that a block chain protocol such as Bitcoin is "secure" because "transactions cannot be reverted". More introspection raises two questions: what do you mean by "cannot", and who is to say that's the correct way to define security.
The purpose of this section is to convince you of a harsh truth: there is no perfect notion of security. A security notion can only cover limited attackers. If you assume an omnipotent adversary, then you do have little to do against them besides-roll up and cry. In particular, there are very few encryption schemes that can protect you from a $5 wrench attack.
But when you do impose limitation on the adversary, you take the risk that a future adversary might rise above your limitations. A good security definition has to walk a very fine line: it must be strong enough to prohibit as many attack vectors as possible, but weak enough to actually be achievable.
Those with some background might think that when I say an "omnipotent adversary" I mean "computationally unbounded" (a.k.a. "unconditional adversary"). That's not completely true. An unconditional adversary is an adversary that can make arbitrary complicated computations, even computations that we know are impossible in reality. But they are not omnipotent in the sense that we can keep secrets from them. The textbook simple example of an encryption scheme that is secure against unconditional attackers but not against all-knowing attackers is the one-time pad.
The Pizza Scandal (No, Not That One)
The Pentagon, obviously, works in extreme confidentiality, enforcing strict protocols to prevent data leakage. Yet, during the cold war, the soviets allegedly managed to obtain vital clues about the time when major events are about to happen. It took a while, but it was eventually revealed the used an OPSEC called PizzaInt (for pizza intelligence): by tracking the amount of pizzas delivered to the Pentagon, they could reliably detect periods of increased activity, which signaled that something is afoot.
This method of gauging levels of international crisis is since known as the "pizza meter". Famously, it was used by news desks to report about the Iraqi invasion of Kuweit the night before it happened.
The Pentagon tried to plug the leak with updated security protocols that require personnel to go pick-up orders rather than having them delivered. But this is only a partial solution, as tracking the activity of fast-food eateries in the proximity of the Pentagon and the White House still provides information. International crisis begets increased activity, and that is a very hard thing to hide, as we have seen last April, prior to the Iranian attack on Israel.
This purpose of this story is not to tear down the CIA, but to illustrate just how difficult it is to take everything into consideration.
Falcon Down
As a quantum cryptographer who is constantly asked about post-quantum blockchains, there are few cryptography related stories I like more than that of the Falcon signature scheme.
With the rising concerns of quantum computers breaking contemporary cryptographic schemes, the National Institute of Standrds and Technology (NIST) invited applied cryptographers to participate in a competition to create the best encryption and signature schemes that are arguably secure against quantum attackers.
The Falcon team did an amazing job, and indeed became one of the leading NIST candidates.
However, soon after it was published, an exploit was found. Does this mean Falcon is broken? That it's analysis is wrong? Was it removed from the NIST competition? No.
The vulnerability is in a category called side channel attacks. This means that the attack does not appeal to the protocol itself, but to information that might leak by an implementation. The exploit notices that in a careless implementation of Falcon, a little bit of information can be recovered making electromagnetic measurements of the signing device, and noticing how long some of the operations took (in a way that kind of resembles the Heartbleed exploit found in OpenSSL in 2014). It turns out that this little bit of information is enough to forge Falcon signatures. They proceeded to show experimentally that there are implementations of Falcon that they are able to break this way.
We hit the recurring theme again: it's not that the Falcon security analysis is sloppy, is that it has to make assumptions about the information available to the adversary, and circumventing these assumptions allows to circumvent the security guaranteed by the protocol. In particular, Falcon remains completely secure when implemented on appropriate hardware (in particular, hardware with fixed time floating point arithmetic).
The block chain Algorand prides itself on being quantum secure by merit of having implemented Falcon signatures. Fortunately, as far as I can tell, there is currently no hardware wallet that supports these Falcon signatures, and that's a good thing. Appropriate hardware is more expensive and not typical for hardware wallets, who strive to be as lean as possible, and if the exploit was only discovered say, in 10 years, it could have compromised all Algorand holders.
Unconditional Security and String Theory
In the world of unconditional security we deal with computationally unrestricted adversaries. If it can be computed: they can compute it. In some cases, we even assume they can compute stuff that can't be computed in reality. The only assumption we make is that there is some secret information not known to the adversary. Is this a realistic assumption?
In his 2018 paper Is the Security of Quantum Cryptography Guaranteed by the Laws of Physics? Daniel Berenstein challenged this assumption in a rather amusing way: by appealing to string theory!
Now hear me out, I know that a lot of people consider string theory as "controversial" or "not even wrong" or whatever, but one principle that dropped out of it that is largely uncontested is the so called holographic principle. This principle states that all of the information that exists inside a volume of space, can be perfectly recovered from measurements on its surface.
A truly omnipotent adversary could build a dense spherical array of electromagnetic sensors surrounding the earth, and, according to the holographic principle, by observing the measurements they can recover any information on earth, yes, including your secret crushes and keys.
This attack is obviously not practical in any way. It just comes to show that we always have to make assumptions. Even if the assumption is as mild as requiring that the adversary cannot design an experiment that distinguishes string theory (where the holographic principle exists) from the standard model (where it doesn't).
Defining Security Notions
The bad way to define a security notion is to require that a particular attack does not work. Why is this bad? Because it does not prohibit other attacks that achieve the same goal. Unfortunately, this reasoning of the "our protocol is secure because the attacks that we attempted don't work" ilk is quite common, mostly because it is much easier to rule out a specific attack than a generic attack.
A good security definitions has three components:
Explicitly stated limitations on the adversary (such as "computationally bounded" or "only has a minority of the hash power")
Explicitly stated assumptions about the environment (honest majority, secret information, that kind of stuff)
Explicitly stated goal for the adversary (revert a transaction, forge a digital signature, and so on)
The security definition then takes the general form of: if the environment satisfies the assumption, then any attacker within our limitations is sufficiently unlikely to achieve the goal.
The reason we say "sufficiently unlikely" and not "impossible" is that in most cryptography "impossible" is just too much to ask. For example, in any situation where the security relies on a secret-key being secret, and there is a reasonable way to check that some guess for the secret-key is correct (e.g. by using it to decrypt messages and see that it works), there is always a chance that the adversary just happens to guess the secret-key by sheer luck. We can't undo this fact, so instead we require that this probability can be easily and efficiently made very very small. Typically, increasing the key size will make routine procedures like generating keys, encrypting, decrypting, signing and so on only slightly more complex, while making the probability of any attacker much more complex.
Of course, there is a layer of formalism that I skipped for the sake of exposition, and actually defining a security notion requires most work. But I maintain that the gist is well captured in this description above, and the rest are technicalities. When we actually define concrete security notions, I will make some of the vague statements like "fast enough" more concrete. For those seeking a more formal treatment of security notions, see the cryptography appendix (TODO: write a section about security notions and link it here).
Security Notions for Block Chains
Let us go through the process of refining a security notion for block chains. In this discussion, I will deliberately break down many details that I will actually comfortably ignore for the rest of the book. The purpose is not that you remember each and every nook and cranny of the definition (though that definitely won't be bad for you!), but that you will see just how nuanced this process is, and keep it in mind, perhaps the next time the new project devs tell you that their protocol is secure because they "tested it".
So how can we define when a blockchain is secure? Let us first concentrate on double-spending. We do not want reverting transactions to be possible, so what about this security notion:
A block chain is secure if it is impossible to revert a transaction
Well, we know that's bad. We already agreed that "impossible" is not going to happen. First of all, there are scenarios where reverting transactions is easy, say if the adversary has 90% of the hashing power. Moreover, even without this advantage, the is some probability to revert by sheer luck.
A more decent attempt would be something like:
Assuming that the rest of the network is rational, an adversary with less than half of the global hash rate is not likely to revert a transaction
That looks better, but that's still not quite there at all. First, what does "not likely" even mean? But more pressing, is this definition even possible to satisfy? Well, it isn't. We will soon see that a PoW network can't be secure against attackers that can get arbitrarily close to 50%. For example, in Bitcoin, a little of the hash rate to be wasted on orphan blocks, making it so that you "only" need 49.997% of the global hash rate to revert arbitrarily long transaction with accuracy. The reason this number is so close to 50% is because the way Bitcoin is parameterized. The block delay is much larger than the network delay, causing very low orphan rate that only translates to a marginal degradation of security. In particular, while we can never be secure against a 50% attack of the network, for any we can set Bitcoin's parameters such that it will be secure against attackers with less than of the total hash rate. So let us encode this into the definition:
For any , we can parameterize the network such that any adversary with less than of the global hash rate is not likely to revert a transaction
Good! We have better defined the environment and the limitations on the adversary. Are we done? Not really, because the goal seems kind of ill-defined. What does "revert a transaction" mean? It means a few things, but one necessary (yet not sufficient) such thing is to change the selected chain to one that does not include the transaction. In other words, what we would really want to prevent is reorging a block.
So consider this situation: the block was the latest one to be created, and you want to reorg it. You have 30% of the hashing power. In order to reorg it is sufficient to create two blocks before the honest network creates one block. How probable is that? Well, we will compute this a bit later, but I can tell you right now that the probability comes out about 49%! I believe we all agree that this does not full in the "not likely regime".
Here is the thing, the probability to reorg a block decreases as more blocks are added. I will keep this a bit vague here and use the term negligible function, the idea is that if we look at how the probability of a successful revert changes as time passes, we see that it becomes very small very fast. Being only half formal, we can restate the definition as so:
For any , we can parameterize the network such that any if at least of the global hash is rational, then the probability a block created seconds ago is a negligible function of
OK, that is starting to take shape, but consider this: what if the attacker finds a vulnerability in the hash function, allowing them to create blocks very fast? If our protocol is secure according to the definition above, this would imply that such a vulnerability does not exist. In other words, proving that a protocol satisfies the security requires proving somehow along the way that the underlying hash is secure.
We really want to avoid this. First of all, it just doesn't make much sense to amalgamate the security of the hash function into our definition, we would like to discuss them separately. Second, designing a block chain protocol and designing a hash function are two very different tasks usually done by different people with different backgrounds. We want to find an approach that compartmentalizes away the problem of creating a good hash function. It's not that this problem is not important, it is in fact crucial, it's that we want our analysis to prove that the protocol is secure if you use any "secure" hash function. We do so by assuming the underlying hash function is some ideal and unrealistic machine called a random oracle, and then leave it for the designer of a hash function to provide us with evidence that the hash indeed sufficiently resembles this mythical random oracle. This brings us to the following definition:
(Assuming the underlying hash is modeled as a random oracle,) for any , we can parameterize the network such that any if at least of the global hash is rational, then the probability a block created seconds ago is a negligible function of
There are obviously many other details that actually need addressing, for example, how inefficient this things behaves as gets close to , How does affect the function, and so on. But overlooking this detail, are we done? Is this a satisfactory security definition?
Well, kind of... This definition only captures one way to disturb the consensus process. Another concern is attackers that delay the consensus. This is the issue of safety vs. liveness, an interesting story that will occupy much of this chapter. The bottom line, though, is that the definition above only captures the safety property, and the equally important liveness property can be violated in networks that provide safety, as we will see in explicit examples.
So OK, this safety property we kind of defined and the liveness property we did not define combine to what is usually called "security". Is a secure blockchain everything we could hope for? In the next section we will see that it is not quite the case. We will find that attackers can have other goals besides harming the consensus, and that these goals could be achieved in secure blockchains. Actually, we will find something much more disturbing, that rational miners will follow this attack.
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