The binomial formula is extremely useful for a variety of calculations. It follows a nice observation which follows closely from computing what results when we expend the expresssion (a+b)n for various values of n.
In other words, we can rewrite the last line of the expression above as:
How does this happen? Well, remember that when we expend (a+b)3 we actually go over each "copy" of (a+b) and choose either a or b. "Choose", here's that word again. Say we chose b exactly two out of the three times, then we got the monomial a⋅b2. How many ways are there to choose b two out of the three times? Obviously (23).
Similarly, if we ask ourselves what is the coefficient of an−k⋅bk in (a+b)n. That is, how many different ways are there to choose b in exactly k of the n copies of (a+b)? We know very well that the answer is (kn).
Putting this all together, we get the remarkable formula known as Newton's binomial formula:
We will revisit this formula when we discuss probabilities in the next part of the appendix, but lets see a nice example of how it can be used to prove fun stuff.
For example, what do you think should be the alternating sum of the binomial coefficients:
Well, if n is odd we can use the fact that (kn)=(n−kn) and "pair them up" to get
For those who do not know these notations, for any x, we use ⌊x⌋ and ⌈x⌉ to denote rounding it down or up respectively to the nearest integer.
But that won't work when n is even. So what can we do? In fact, we can prove it for all cases (n even or odd) in one fell swoop without this ugly "pairing up". We just need to rewrite the sum a little differently: